Sunday, January 28, 2024

Eight Values of Free Expression

The beauty of the United States lies in our unique ability to express our opinions for better or worse, true and untrue. This liberty is created out of the first amendment. The first amendment states that, "congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances." Within this amendment, the eight values of freedom of expression are validated as "safe" ways for the people of the United States to convey their feelings on any issue that is brought to the forefront of American society. 

In contrast, North Korean society silences those who wish to speak out against their government, as they must always bit their tongue. If they were to express their thoughts or ideas about the society they reside in, it could cost them their life. Societies like that of North Korean and China prevent their residents from expressing freedom of speech, their governments are dictatorial and communist, meaning the power is held within the highest branches of their government and kept from the people. When the United States was established, our democracy was intended to serve the opposite effect, giving equal power to all branches of government and relinquishing freedoms, like that of freedom of speech, to the people. Ensuring the free speech of the people of the newly formed United States of America was essential for our founding fathers because they believed that their citizens ability to express themselves was indispensable to the free flowing of ideas and the spread of political truths. The idea of freedom is what our nation was founded upon, if we were to lose our first amendment right of freedom of speech and therefore the eight values of free expression, it would alleviate the American spirt that our country holds dear and prevent individual and national growth that comes by way of this liberty. 

Whereas all eight freedoms of expression are in use today, the fourth, individual self-fulfillment seems to be of a heightened emphasis in today's society. Over the past two hundred years, the interpretations of our freedoms have been altered with the times. This has allowed for a rotation of sorts to occur, over the last several decades the eight freedoms continue to rotate in popularity. I see the freedom of individual self-fulfillment at an all time high as we transition into a society that is much more in tune with the individual needs of our people. This is coupled with newfound acceptance of previously taboo societal roles and social norms. This emphasis on accepting all individuals as they are leaves room for all citizens to discover what they love, and how they wish to live their life. I believe this freedom has gained popularity in the most recent decade as Americans are turning less and less to religious institutions where they once looked for guidance. As the separation of religious life becomes even more prevalent, the acceptance of people as they are, has become even more popular. In an evolving society that believes in free flowing of ideas as a means to generate innovation, I believe this freedom is essential because it allows all individuals to know they are accepted and have the ability to discover and share their lifestyle as it may help others around them. This forward-thinking approach has the power to cultivate a more harmonious society, the trouble may become when all individuals do not support this type of personal and societal advancement. 

In the current political landscape, there is an emphasis on degrading and demoralizing comments being passed between political opponents. Their constant quarrel is often very difficult to hear as opponents tear each other apart, going far beyond political purview, and look to cause psychological harm to each other. While it might be uncomfortable to hear, the hate speech they project is protected under the freedom to promote tolerance. This freedom recognizes the fundamental rights of others to speak how they desire and our duty as US citizens to allow them to speak their mind as it allows the rest of society to recognize why a select line can be seen as hateful or personally upsetting. The freedom believes that in a society where the people are taught to be tolerant, they are classified as a better society.
In the current political situation, the most common individual that is classified as inciting hateful speech is republican presidential frontrunner, Donald Trump. Mr. Trumps speech is often seen as vilification by many opponents on both sides of the aisle. Under Trumps freedom of speech, he has no constitutional obligation to change his tone, nor do the people have a constitutional right to ask him to stop. Within the promotion of tolerance, it would be seen that our society is benefiting from his actions as we are learning how to be tolerant with his personally upsetting diction, and we are learning why this type of behavior is inappropriate for the national stage. 

History and Workings of the U.S. Supreme Court

The US Supreme Court, the highest court in the land. The decisions that are made in the court set the precedent for domestic and sometimes even international issues for decades to come. While being in the public's purview for much of their work, many Americans have little idea in the ways the court actually functions. Through parts I and II of the informational video, I had the ability to learning about the Supreme Courts procedural conduct. It was enlightening to discovered that the deliberation of the court are done in private, without the assistance of staffers or looming reporters. This came as my biggest surprise since the court hears arguments in their public chamber. I had expected an outcome to be reached in that same public setting for the highest levels of transparency and lowest levels of bias. I then learned that after deliberations and an outcome has been reached, either the chief justice if in the majority, or the senior most member of the majority will construct an opinion to be released to the public explaining the reasoning behind their decision. After analyzing the circumstances at hand, I now see that the release of an opinion paper provides the public with the justifications they wish to hear, while ensuring the strictest confidentiality and greatest amount of equal justice input during deliberations.

When looking in metaphysical notion of the Supreme Courts power, it is apparent that their most important duty is the responsibility of drawing the lines of government power. The justices have the duty of telling federal and state legislators what they can and cannot do. This power is essential in the US system of checks and balances as the Supreme Court is the highest court in the US system, it is responsible for ensuring the equal distribution of power. If this liberty of the court was not in place, either the Legislative or Executive branches could usurp power form the others. 

Current sitting justices of the Supreme Court

Surprisingly, while the Supreme Court has the power to maintain the system of checks and balances, these cases must be brought to their attention. This is because the Supreme Court does not have the power to bring any social or political issue to their own attention, the case must be brought before them by a member of the government or a private citizen. As the court is brought seven to eight thousand cases annually, they will only hear oral arguments for about eighty of these. This is because the Supreme Court Justices will argue which cases they wish to hear as they pertain to national significance. In arguments, the justices can also decide not to hear your case at all after its appeal from the circuit courts. This leads to many more cases unheard than heard, but the system ensures the cases that do take up the time of the justices will impact the greatest number of Americans. 

While the US Supreme Court Justices are tasked with some of the most significant decision in the United States, it was clear after seeing the justices interact in the videos to remember that the justices are citizens too, just as you and I. This message was evermore clear when we heard of the group's tradition of shaking hands with each other before the start of deliberations. It was explained that this harmonious shaking of one another's hands makes it more difficult for the justices to take their anger or dissatisfaction with a case out on the rest of the group after an outcome has been reached. This showed me as a private citizen that the justices do not wish to fight with one another, instead they wish to reach the best decisions for the nation. 

Sunday, January 21, 2024

My Top 5 News Sources


From my standpoint, the most convenient of news sources, Instagram grabs my number one seat for my most influential news source. Growing up in the decade I have, Instagram has been there for the ride. It started as a casual tool I used to peel back the curtain on the lives of those around me but as the platform evolved over the years it has transformed my availability to see the world. Instagram grew from the platform used by teenagers to one used by world leaders and journalist alike to share their insight into politics, economics, and the challenges of life. These individuals that were previously forced to convey their viewpoints through censored platforms were now given additional freedom to share their opinions on their own terms. This idea of sharing your ideas, your opinions, and expressing one's creativity served as the basis for the next big thing in the way I get my news on Instagram, that is through the "influencer". This term "influencer" refers to those on Instagram who have no formal journalism experience but comment on all things from their opinion on how to live a great life to the war in the Middle East. I especially appreciate their commentary because of their unprofessional diction and often opposing viewpoint that can allow me to see issues from a different perspective. In a world inundated with stuffy news castors, Instagram's appeal comes from their casual nature. It is news about anything and from anywhere, no matter how minute the issue might be. 

The Today Show

While news on the go is an important aspect to the fast paced lives of many. When I myself have a few more minutes to sit down and watch a morning news cast, the Today Show, is my news source of choice. The Today Show has blended the lines of social pop culture and important world events into four separate hourlong chunks. Separating their new cast into four distinct yet similar back to back broadcasts gives viewers the option to tune in when they can and resume at another point in the 7 to 11am broadcast. For those like myself, with limited time in this morning this convince is greatly appreciated. Each hourlong segment is hosted by a panel of individuals whose laidback attitude is appealing in the wee hours of the morning. As a unit they have an ability to connect with their audiences, while educating them on the events to come and those that have passed. 

Nightly News with Lester Holt

While I enjoy the calm and casual setting of the Today Show in the morning, I desire a more earnest news source for my nightly news. Several years ago, I came across the NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt broadcast and was delighted with his candor. The 30-minute broadcast is comprised of multiple quick segments dedicated to the most serious news of the day from around the world. This glimpse into the most serious news from around the world gives viewers a chance to comprehend the world they live in, and the detailed reports provides clarity that other short segments often excludes. These stories are further enjoyed because of the sole anchor, Lester Holts unopinionated remarks. As Holt introduces or describes the news stories he is presenting he keeps his personal views separate, reporting on the facts of the case and nothing more. I view this as a greatly appreciated service as I wish to discover my own opinions on the matters at hand and eliminate any partisan bias. 


When times call for news pointed at the financial aspects of life, there is no new source I turn to other than the online platform MarketWatch. MarketWatch is a Dow Jones company that focuses on reporting the trials and tribulations of the US and international stock markets. The reports are generated by financial analysts much more skilled to deliver the commentary they provide as compared to the typical news anchor. The platform shines to an even higher level as it combines its ability to relay news to its audience with real time market tracking and watchlists. This allows for readers to seamlessly switch between the financial news they desire and the current market updates they need to make a trade. The platform's ability to combine both aspects saves time for the avid trader or businessman. For investors that are new to the game, MarketWatch has created a section of their site dedicated to their needs. The "How To Invest" section is jam packed with quick, descriptive articles on the best ways to break into the markets. It is within this section that the site offers an email sign up, where the reader can subscribe for daily guidance that corresponds to the current state of the markets. MarketWatch has become the all around news source and tool for financial literacy in today's age. 


As important as world political and economic news is, as a pharmaceutical consultant, I am always refreshing my education on new and upcoming medical treatments and devices. In order to receive this type of news I have always turned to BioWorld, an online forum co-founded by a former pharmaceutical scientist. This type of news is critical to my role, as being knowledgeable on the most recent discoveries and their outcomes allowed me to deliver the best services the pharmaceutical companies I work with. With the many necessary details that are required in the pharmaceutical industry, BioWorld captures the balanced mixture of scientific jargon and reporter commentary on the effects of the discovery or treatment. This allows for anyone in the industry to collect the idea of a complex issue in a matter of minutes. This is incredibly helpful when the reader is unfamiliar with select scientific or medial topics but needs to comprehend the discoveries at hand. 

Transhumanism in the Modern World

      Imagine living in a world where our thoughts were only validated as data points that are used as means to an end. Where our bodies had...